About Us
Here is a little history of us:
Jaguars was founded in 1995 with support from Nottinghamshire County Council and played at Rushcliffe Arena in West Bridgford until moving to Magnus School, Newark in 2001
Jaguars Cubs (juniors) won the first ever junior league 2003/04
Jaguars juniors are the only team to win the junior league four years consecutively and the East Midlands Juniors also won the regional championships over four consecutive years.
The club at its largest had an u15s, u19s, a women’s, and three mixed national league teams.
The club has had several Paralympian’s play for us over the years that include, Matt Byrne, Jon Hall and Joe Bestwick for basketball, and in other sports, Phil Hogg, Kieran Tscherniawsky, Jamie Carter, Dave Phillipson Ply and Jayant Mistry. We have known a lot of impressive people!
Recent successes 2022/23 include 3rd division central undefeated champions missing out by 2 points to get into the final of the 3rd division national finals.
1st division South undefeated champions and winners of the 1st division national championship.
The 2023/24 season, Jaguars finished fourth in the Premiership, third in the Second division North and third in the Inspire a Generation competition and winners of the Master tournament.
The 2024/25 season will see the Jaguars competing in the Premiership, 1st Division North, 3rd Division Central, 3rd Division Women’s league, Masters and the Euro league.
Jaguars WBC have been a registered charity since 24th April 1997 no.1062064
We also have satellite clubs in Lincoln and Louth that we use to give players another training session closer to their home and to also develop new players.
We have fully qualified coaches, with safeguarding, first aid and drug awareness training to run all sessions.
Our Sponsor for the 2023/24 and 2024/25 seasons are Breheny Civil Engineering